Friday, June 22, 2012

Skiing at Loon - February 2012

Skiing at Loon Mountain in New Hampshire - February 2012.

Skiing at Loon Mountain, NH - Feb 2012
Thanks for your patience in seeing an update to the blog. Yes, it was a long delay in editing and publishing this video. Some more updates to come soon... For now, since today (publish date June 22, 2012) is day 3 of 90F+ heat in Boston = a heat wave, I figured what better way to 'stay cool' than to 'think cool' by watching some winter skiing...

It was a pretty tame winter, but managed to get in a few days of skiing.

Nothing too dramatic happens in the video but hopefully still entertaining nonetheless.

Some windsweeping snow going up the chairlift, a bright and sunny day, went over a few hits (small jumps) though not sure you can tell in the video, a random dude crashes midway through and I help recover one of his skis (I sped up that part), and finally just me making my way down the mountain.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube.

Thanks for watching!