Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 kick off

Happy New Year everyone!

Thanks again for all those who followed along with my blog last year. This year I’ll attempt to write about some other activities besides fitness/training. 2010 looks to be a grand year filled with myriad activities and adventures. I can’t wait to get started...

Posts will be at least once a month, and hopefully more frequently (weekly and occasionally daily at stretches). The topics that I see writing about include the below among other miscellaneous items:

Fitness. Hopefully to include the following and more: triathlon, swimming, cycling, running, trail running, skiing, x-c skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, kayaking as well as nutrition, weight training, equipment maintenance, race reports, and perhaps some physiological details about myself like weight, body fat %, etc.

Reading. Last year, with great inspiration, I finally fulfilled a 4 year old new year’s resolution to read a book a month – not a lot for many of you, but I’ve got the itch to read more now than ever before, so I look to continue doing so in 2010 and will perhaps provide some commentary on any recent reads.

Art. I’ve dabbled a bit in the realm of painting on and off for a few years, smaller pieces no larger than 18 inches, but I’ve got a large empty canvas just screaming to be bathed in color, so I don’t think I can let it sit idle for much longer. I may seek some other artistic outlets to pursue as well…

?????. Who knows what else...

Happy trails!