Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Planning for 2010

So it's been some time since IMFL 2009... recovery has been ok with the exception of two injuries that are still nagging me: (1) my left back / shoulder is still tight, sore, and stinging a bit; (2) a toe on my left foot still feels sprained or something. I'm working on "actively" trying to heal these up...

Which brings me to planning for my next season. Tentative winter plans are to work on my swimming (perhaps with some coaching) and focus on my distance running. When next race season rolls around I hope to do a proper build and ramp up in race distances: a sprint distance, olympic distance, and finally a half-ironman towards the end of summer/fall. (Sprint: swim 0.25mi, bike 10mi, run 3.1mi. Olympic: swim 0.9mi, bike 25mi, run 6.2mi. Half-Ironman: swim 1.2mi, bike 56mi, run 13.1 mi.)

So thanks for checking in, please check back at the start of 2010...