Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Sunday 10k Cancelled

So earlier in the week, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and the State Police officially cancelled the Super Sunday 5k/10k (scheduled to be held today, Sunday, February 6th) for reasons of public safety due to the tough road and pathway conditions from all the recent snow.

So instead of racing this 10k, I fit in a long run (longer distance run at an intentionally slower pace; also called "lsd" for long slow distance). The plan was to run from home out to the 10k course, run the course (and see what the conditions were actually like today) and then run back. The 10k route is in South Boston past the seaport area, starting near the Bayside Expo Center, along several of the beaches, including Carson Beach, and then Pleasure Bay, around Castle Island to Fort Independence - and then back.

The temperature was about 38F though my first steps onto the sidewalk were met with slippery black ice where I slipped and slid but thankfully never fell. The rest of the run through the city to the coast was similar, lots of icy sidewalks flooded with melted snow, streets with traffic, etc. to make it to where the race was supposed to start. One small missed turn, but quickly corrected.

(Note: Click on any image to enlarge.)

Bayside Expo Center
From the Bayside Expo Center, tried running on the sidewalk, but that was too treacherous, so stuck to the side of the road. I think there were a lot of other folks who were supposed to run the race that had the same idea to run the route anyway - lots of other runners were out there. Anyway, after winding along the side of William J Day Blvd, got to Pleasure Bay and took a right onto the Head Island Causeway, a paved walking path that jutted out into the harbor. This path was mostly in good shape, plowed and shoveled, except for some sections with large puddles. That was a theme to be repeated. Got to one end of the causeway, and saw a nice covered area with a good view of Spectacle Island.

Head Island Causeway starting out and around Pleasure Bay
View of Fort Independence looking across Pleasure Bay from the Head Island Causeway
One end of the Head Island Causeway, park area overlooking Spectacle Island in the distance
View of Spectacle Island in the Boston Harbor from the Head Island Causeway
Continuing along the causeway led to Castle Island and the grand Fort Independence. The 10k route was supposed to go around the outer perimeter of Castle Island, go up a small hill and then hug the edges of Fort Independence, but when I attempted to go up the small hill, I was met with an extremely iced over pathway - it was unrunnable.
Continuing along the Head Island Causeway to Castle Island/Fort Independence

Crazy flooding along the Head Island Causeway (found out the hard way by running through it)
Fort Independence, Castle Island

Fort Independence, Castle Island
Fort Independence, Castle Island
Very icy, slippery and unrunnable pathway up to Fort Independence
So I skipped it and just continued on along the Head Island Causeway and William J Day Blvd back towards the Bayside Expo Center. Here's a shot of me on my way back with Fort Independence and Pleasure Bay in the background. Unfortunately, my smart phone's running application/GPS stopped working just past mile 8. I continued re-tracing my route and finished the run.
William J Day Blvd looking back to Castle Island/Fort Independence

Me with Fort Independence and Pleasure Bay in the background
Total distance, time (est.): 12.4 miles, 1:55:28. The first of many longer runs to come...

A recap of the race cancellation: I thought they cancelled the race a bit early and could have done more to clear the paths along the causeway, though clearing the paths right around Fort Independence would have been far more difficult. In the end, I understand why they cancelled the 10k, but really didn't see any reason for them to cancel the 5k which could have been run on a clearly plowed roadway. Perhaps they could have allowed all the 10k runners to run the 5k instead?

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