Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sprinkly run and riding with Bjorn on his fixie

Had a nice run home last night from work, it sprinkled the whole way, but not obnoxiously enough to make the run unpleasant. Didn't have to stop and stretch the hamstrings like the last long run I had; they're still a bit tight, so I've been taking extra care not to exert them overly much. [13 mi/1h57m]

Though my legs were a bit tired from my run the prior evening, today's ride to work was smooth. I've been riding with my colleague Bjorn. This week he decided to ride his "fixie" - a fixed gear bike (no bailout gears; and if the bike is moving, the pedals are moving). He rode like a champ, having to stand on the pedals the whole way up the couple hills (along Fellsway East / Lynn Fells Pkwy for you locals), and then take his feet completely off the pedals as the bike was spinning out on a long downhill. Imagine truckin' down a long downhill going ~30mph with your legs off the pedals as they spin furiously unsure whether the crossing traffic will yield - a bit scary - I'll stick to my road bike, thank you very much. But kudos to Bjorn! [14 mi/54m]

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