Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Warrior Dash

Warrior Dash New England - Amesbury, MA

Sunday, June 26th – 2pm start

Signed up for this race with a bunch of friends just looking to have some muddy fun, especially after running the BAA 10k earlier that morning. Drove up and after a bit of an ordeal parking the car, we just pulled up on the side of the road and walked over to the grounds. We were quickly engulfed by the festival atmosphere of it all – music blaring, people milling about in costumes and various states of muddiness. Soon we readied ourselves, checked our bags and toed the starting line.

(click on image to enlarge)

Sandhya, Adam, Hudson, Nicole, Drew, Alyce, Nilesh
About ready to head to the starting line.
I wore an old pair of shorts and an inside out cotton t-shirt and was lucky to borrow an old pair of running shoes from Alyce’s hubby Neal. She brought a bunch of other old pairs of shoes to donate, cool thing. After the race, I made sure to tie my borrowed shoes together and toss them in the huge donate pile.

The course was 3.5 miles [50:27 finish time] with various obstacles throughout. Starting with a run up a hill, then undulating wooded trails, tangled ropes tied across trees to step through, wooden planks to jump over and duck underneath, rope wall to climb up and over, fire to jump over, long mud hill to slide down… and then there was the mud. Oh my – so much mud! Calf deep sloshy mud and sticky-pull-off-your-shoes mud. Everywhere. Throughout the course. Everywhere. On my body. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy that part. Playing in the mud was really the main attraction for me. Loved every minute of it.

Ran the whole thing with Alyce and also some stretches with Nicole. Got to talk to a lot of other ‘warriors’ out there, most were pretty astounded by the amount of mud. Did I mention there was some mud? There was. It was everywhere.

Within the first 10 minutes I was reminded why cotton is such a bad fabric to exercise in. Yes, nipple chafing is no fun. Very painful for a bit there, but alas this was the Warrior Dash – so no complaining. And well, the obstacles weren’t really that challenging, not like the ones I heard were at the Tough Mudder. I breezed through the Warrior Dash ones pretty easily. It really was all about the mud. There was a lot of slipping going on through the woods. Some ladies were stopped along one part of the trail, one of them may have dislocated a finger. Another gal was either running the race barefoot or sacrificed both her shoes to the mud gods.

The finish was fun, after sliding down a long hill on my butt, went over one final obstacle with Alyce and Nicole and finally crossed the finish line. After regrouping, we stepped in front of the big misting fan to try to clean off, not the most effective way, but got mostly clean. Then changed into some dry clothes and sat out on the fair grounds soaking in some sun, music and just hung out for a bit. It was a nice sunny day so was good fun chillin’ out. I had wanted to do an ‘adventure/mud run’ like this to see if I would like it and maybe do some more the following year. I’m undecided. I had a fantastic time, but like so many others - contracted the mysterious “warrior dash-rash” on my legs and arms. Various claims were calling it poison ivy, poison oak, infected mud, mud wrestler’s disease, etc. – I don’t know exactly what I had, but it was pretty itchy and gross for about three weeks. Ah well. I guess I'll reconsider doing another one of these next year…

Running over fire...

Nicole, Alyce and I making our way through the course.

Sticky, sloshy mud just after sliding down that big hill behind us.

Mud shoes

Crossing the finish line

Post-dash caked in mud

Warrior pose

All cleaned off from the mud and sporting my 'warrior' gear.

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