Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Spectacle Island 5k

Saturday, June 18th – the Inaugural Spectacle Island 5k (3.1 miles)

Signed up for this run with fellow City Sports run club veterans Anna, Betty and Jan. We were also joined by Jan’s wife who ran the 5k and their two adorable young girls who ran the kids run. Met early at the pier to hop on a ferry for the 15 minute trip out to Spectacle Island located in the Boston Harbor. Also saw my buddy and fellow TMIRCEr Adam S. at the pier who came out for the run as well. This was the day of the celebration parade through the city for the Boston Bruins' recent Stanley Cup win, so lots of black and gold through the streets before and after the ferry to the race.

There’s not much on the island itself except for a visitor’s center, two drumlins (small hills) and a mixed gravel / dirt path in and around the island. It’s a small, very peaceful island. In fact the island is so small, the 5k course required making two loops of the outer perimeter to cover the entire distance.

For an inaugural event, the race was well organized. No timing chips for this one, just simple, old school bib numbers. The course was pretty much gravel and dirt paths the whole way with a couple tiny hills / inclines. There was no tree cover either, and with the weather being so hot and humid this made me struggle. My first two miles were right around a 7:00/mile pace, but that third mile I slowed down considerably, closer to a 7:30/mile pace. Ouch, ah well – a couple people passed me that last mile or so which took me out of age group contention.

The deal for the race was pretty good: $25 got the ferry ride to and from the island, the race, a t-shirt and a bbq lunch (though the veggie burgers left something to be desired). They gave out awards to top overall man/woman and age group three deep. Adam S. took 1st in his AG and came in 2nd overall (strong work!). Jan also took 1st in his AG (11th overall), and Betty took 2nd in her AG (20th overall). Anna ran a great race and I came in 15th overall, keeping me well within the top 10% of the overall field of 247 runners.

I wasn’t feeling myself fully that day, and didn’t prepare as well as I normally should have for a race from a nutrition and hydration standpoint, but had a nice outing with friends nonetheless.

Finish time for 5k (3.1 miles): 22:32 -- 7:16/mile pace

Pictures below (click on an image to enlarge).

Jan, me, Anna, Betty - ferry ride to Spectacle Island
Arriving on the island
Making my way to the starting line (credit Justin Knight Photography)
Coming around the island perimeter, Jan (bright green shirt) on my heels with
Boston Harbor and the John Hancock and Prudential tower in the far distance.
(credit Justin Knight Photography)
Runners make their way along the ocean side of the island perimeter.
(credit Justin Knight Photography)
Post-race shot


  1. I'm running this race this Sat.! It'll be my first 5k!

  2. Hi Kathleen, thanks for your comment! That's great, you chose well for your first 5k, it's a fun one, and also nice to support the Harbor Islands. Have a great run and enjoy the outing! -Nilesh
